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“Is surgery for wisdom teeth painful?”: Answers to Common Questions About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Third molars (most commonly called wisdom teeth) often make their debut in our late teens or early twenties. For many, this dental milestone comes with a mix of curiosity and concern, bringing about questions and anxiety. Fear not! Oral Surgery Specialists of Atlanta is here to give you all the details about surgery for wisdom teeth (read more about wisdom teeth removal here).

It can be hard to know if you need wisdom teeth surgery. That’s why it’s crucial to meet with an experienced oral surgeon in Atlanta, GA, to check the health and orientation of your third molars. Contact Drs. Andrew Aiken and Drew Shessel at (404) 974-2937 to schedule your oral surgery consultation today.

Wisdom teeth removal can seem daunting. But knowing more about surgery for wisdom teeth can help alleviate anxiety and provide you with a sense of empowerment. In today’s post, we answer some of your questions about this procedure to quiet your fears and keep you informed.  

Is wisdom teeth removal really necessary?

The need for wisdom teeth surgery depends on various factors, including:

  • The size of your jaw

  • The alignment of your existing teeth

  • The emergence pattern of your wisdom teet

In many cases, there isn't enough space in the jaw for the wisdom teeth to grow properly. This can cause potential issues, such as:

  • Impaction (when wisdom teeth struggle to erupt naturally)

  • Dental crowding

  • Misalignment

What happens if I don't get my wisdom teeth removed?

Choosing not to remove wisdom teeth when necessary can lead to various complications. 

Impacted wisdom teeth may cause pain and swelling, and they can create pockets between the teeth and gums. These pockets can provide a breeding ground for bacteria, resulting in infections, cysts, or even damage to neighboring teeth.

Overcrowding is another potential consequence of retaining pesky wisdom teeth. If left alone, these teeth can butt into their neighbors, causing dental misalignment. This misalignment not only affects your smile but can also impact your bite, leading to discomfort and difficulty in chewing.

In the long run, opting not to remove problematic wisdom teeth may result in more extensive dental treatments and increased discomfort. Regular monitoring by a dentist can help determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

How long does surgery for wisdom teeth take?

The duration of wisdom teeth surgery varies depending on the complexity of the extraction. Simple extractions where the teeth are fully erupted and easily accessible may take about 30 minutes to an hour. However, if the wisdom teeth are impacted or require more intricate extraction techniques, the surgery may take longer.

The surgical process typically involves the administration of local anesthesia to numb the area, and in some cases, sedation may be used to help the patient relax. Your oral surgeon will then carefully remove the wisdom teeth, ensuring minimal disruption to the surrounding tissues.

Is wisdom teeth surgery painful?

The level of pain experienced during wisdom teeth surgery is subjective and depends on factors such as: 

  • Pain tolerance

  • The complexity of the extraction

  • The effectiveness of anesthesia

Oral surgeons commonly use local anesthesia to numb the surgical area, ensuring that patients do not feel pain during the procedure.

In more complex cases or for individuals with anxiety about the surgery, patients may want to explore sedation options. These options can range from nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to intravenous (IV) sedation. Just be sure to ask your surgeon if sedation is right for you.

Post-surgery discomfort is common. However, it is manageable with prescribed pain medications and proper post-operative care. Following your oral surgeon's instructions for pain management and aftercare is crucial for a smooth recovery process.

How long does it take to recover after wisdom teeth surgery?

Recovery time after wisdom teeth surgery varies from person to person, but most individuals can expect to resume their regular activities within a few days to a week. However, the initial 24 hours post-surgery are crucial. It is during this time that patients should rest and follow their surgeon’s specific guidelines.

Common post-operative experiences include swelling and mild discomfort. Patients can alleviate these symptoms with cold compresses, over-the-counter pain relievers, or prescribed painkillers. 

It is essential to adhere to dietary restrictions, such as:

  • Opting for soft foods

  • Avoiding strenuous activities

  • Avoiding the use of drinking straws for beverages 

Full recovery (including the closure of gum tissue and the restoration of normal oral function) may take several weeks. Patients are advised to attend follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and address any concerns that may arise during the recovery period.

Is 30 too old to have surgery for wisdom teeth?

While it's common for wisdom teeth to emerge in the early twenties, late teen, or even the early teenage years, there is no strict age limit for their removal. Some individuals may not experience issues with their wisdom teeth until later in life. That’s why our oral surgeons recommend removal based solely on individual circumstances.

In fact, for adults in their 30s or even older, wisdom teeth removal can still be a viable and beneficial option. The decision to remove wisdom teeth is typically based on their impact on oral health, including factors like:

  • Impaction

  • Overcrowding

  • Misalignment

  • The risk of further complications

If you are experiencing discomfort or notice changes in your oral health, consult our Atlanta oral surgeons to determine the best course of action.

Should my child have their wisdom teeth removed?

Dentists typically monitor the development of wisdom teeth during routine check-ups. It is during these biannual appointments that they may recommend removal if they detect any budding issues.

However, the decision is not solely based on age. Rather, it depends on the individual's oral health and the specific circumstances surrounding the eruption of their wisdom teeth.

In some cases, dental professionals may recommend proactive surgery for patients in their early or late teens. Addressing issues sooner rather than later can end up saving patients a great deal of pain and financial stress in their 20s. 

Schedule Surgery for Wisdom Teeth in Atlanta, GA

Wisdom teeth surgery is an extraordinarily common dental procedure. In fact, a 2022 study indicates that around half of 25-year-olds have had at least one wisdom tooth extraction. This statistic skyrockets to around 70% by the time we reach age 60. So, what does this mean for you? It means you’ll likely need to have at least one wisdom tooth extracted in your lifetime.

Knowing when wisdom teeth removal is necessary is hard to determine on your own. So, get answers today – schedule a consultation to discuss surgery for wisdom teeth at Oral Surgery Specialists of Atlanta today! You can reach our Atlanta oral surgeons online anytime, or you can schedule your appointment by dialing (404) 974-2937 now.