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Why Choose Tooth Extraction in Atlanta?

graphic of one tooth being extracted

In a perfect world, our permanent teeth would never fall out or need to be removed. You may have already noticed, we do not live in a perfect world. In some situations, tooth extraction in Atlanta is the best option. The goal of all dental treatment should be to preserve or restore excellent oral health of both teeth and gums, create harmony for comfortable mouth function, and boost quality of life while maintaining a natural, attractive esthetic if possible.

In today’s blog, you’ll learn:

  • The most common reasons tooth extraction is necessary

  • About the extraction procedure and anesthesia/sedation options

  • Tips to maximize healing and recovery after tooth removal

  • How to find a great oral surgeon for your tooth extraction in Atlanta

Before we begin, let’s explore whether you should choose an oral surgeon or general dentist for your tooth extraction. This brief video explains the differences between the designations. 

Common Reasons Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

1 . Dead/dying or Abscessed Tooth

Teeth have layers. The enamel is the white, strong, shiny coating we see. Under the enamel is dentin, a yellow, sensitive, porous material. In the center of every tooth is a core, filled with pulp which contains connective tissues, the tooth’s blood supply, and its nerve. The core is unadulterated by outside elements unless it becomes exposed by way of a crack, chip, or decay. Once the tooth’s core becomes infected, the patient has two options: extraction or root canal therapy (RCT), in some cases. Other times, RCT cannot save a tooth.

If you have an irreparable tooth, don’t be offended but in most cases, a tooth dies due to improper dental hygiene practices at home, as well as not attending preventive visits at the dentist’s office. 

If you practice good oral hygiene habits, you may have cracked a tooth on a seed or nut and the crack compromised the tooth’s pulp. Perhaps acid reflux led to tooth decay on your molars. Left unchecked, the cavities grew to harm the tooth’s core.

Unsalvageable dead or dying teeth should be removed as soon as possible so that the infection doesn’t spread to other teeth or to the jawbone. 


2. Preparation for Orthodontics (to Correct Crowding) or Transition to Dentures

Patients of all ages may need a tooth extraction in Atlanta before getting braces or dentures. In both cases, the teeth may be healthy, but to meet a treatment goal they should be removed. For ortho extractions, the tooth/teeth will not be replaced. For denture cases, all teeth will be replaced by an upper or lower denture.

3. Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth are the last and third set of molars we develop, usually between the late teen years and early twenties. Impaction occurs when a wisdom tooth cannot naturally erupt because it grew at an angle and is pushing against a neighboring tooth. (See the main image on this blog for an illustration of an impacted third molar.)

An impacted tooth can harm a neighboring healthy tooth and cause a great deal of pain and swelling. Infection may set in and cause the patient more discomfort. It’s important to have impacted wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible. 

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Testimonial 

The Extraction Procedure and Anesthesia/Sedation Options

Our oral surgeons can promptly complete simple extractions, and they have the training and experience to handle complex extractions, as well. Usually, these are the steps we use during tooth extraction in our Atlanta dental office.

  1. Administer local anesthesia (and/or nitrous, sedation)

  2. The oral surgeon loosens the tooth with a tool known as an elevator

  3. In some cases, a molar is segmented prior to extraction

  4. The oral surgeon uses forceps, which look like small pliers, to pluck the tooth

  5. The patient should rest at home for the remainder of the day and follow post-op instructions

Anesthesia and Sedation Options at OSSA

To keep you comfortable physically and mentally, we offer local anesthesia and two options for sedation. The patient may still feel the sensation of pressure, but not pain.

  • Local Anesthesia: This medication numbs the area to which it’s injected. 

  • Nitrous Oxide: When inhaled through a facemask, nitrous oxide instantly enters the bloodstream. It causes the patient to enter a state of euphoria, where he can respond to the dentist’s instructions and questions but doesn’t comprehend any pain. When we stop the nitrous oxide, the patient almost immediately feels like himself again and can drive, work, or play on the same day as long as post-op instructions are followed.

  • General Anesthesia (IV):  As oral surgeons, Drs. Aiken and Shessel are educated and licensed to offer general IV sedation. It’s a good option for people who have a fear of the dentist, as well as those who can’t remain comfortable in a dental chair during treatment. IV sedation causes the patient to go to sleep. Afterward, the patient will need a ride home and may feel groggy throughout the day.

Post-extraction, Non-Opioid Pain Management with Exparel

The opioid crisis in our nation has risen to astonishing levels. Opioids are highly addictive. So, in the best interest of our patients, we offer a new, non-addictive drug called Exparel to help manage pain after oral surgery. 

Tips to Maximize Healing and Recovery After Tooth Removal

Check out these text and video explanations of post-procedure guidelines on our website.

How to Find a Great Oral Surgeon for Your Tooth Extraction in Atlanta

If you live or work in the metro Atlanta area, choose the oral surgeons many general dentists refer their patients to, Oral Surgery Specialists of Atlanta. In addition to consistently providing a gentle, informative, expert chairside manner, Drs. Aiken and Shessel are experienced in all facets of oral and maxillofacial surgeries. They are licensed to administer IV sedation, and they handle complex cases with finesse. 

Explore our website to watch more videos of our patients and referring dentists sharing their testimonials or call 404-620-5245 to schedule your consultation. We are accepting new patients and look forward to serving you and your loved ones.