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3 Services by Atlanta's Maxillofacial Surgeons

woman holding dental implant mold

When dental issues arise that require specialized care, Atlanta's maxillofacial surgeons are here to help. Among the myriad services these professionals provide, three stand out as essential procedures: wisdom teeth removal, dental bone grafting, and dental implant placement. 

At Oral Surgery Specialists of Atlanta, you can get the care you need with compassionate, five-star maxillofacial surgeons. Want to see why patients from Dunwoody and Atlanta, GA, prefer our team? Contact us at (404) 974-2937 to learn more!

There are plenty of procedures that Atlanta’s maxillofacial surgeons can expertly perform. But, in this comprehensive guide, we delve into the details of three common treatments: wisdom teeth removal, dental bone grafting, and dental implant placement. Let’s dive in!

Wisdom Teeth Removal: A Rite of Passage

Did you know that maxillofacial surgeons remove an estimated 10 million wisdom teeth each year? That’s right – removing these pesky third molars is often a rite of passage for teens and young adults. Let’s learn more about what you can expect from this procedure.

Ideal Candidates

While not everyone experiences issues with their wisdom teeth, many individuals find that these late-blooming molars can cause problems due to limited space or improper eruption. Ideal candidates for wisdom teeth removal are those who are:

  • Experiencing pain

  • Swelling

  • Infection

  • At risk of future impaction


A consultation with a trusted maxillofacial surgeon in Atlanta is the first step. During this visit, your surgeon assesses your oral health, takes X-rays to evaluate the position of your wisdom teeth, and discusses the procedure and any potential risks or complications. 

What to Expect During the Procedure

Wisdom teeth removal is typically performed under local anesthesia, conscious sedation, or general anesthesia. The surgeon first makes incisions in the gum tissue, removes any bone obstructing access to the tooth, and then extracts the wisdom tooth. 

Aftercare Instructions

After the procedure, patients should follow specific aftercare instructions provided by their maxillofacial surgeon. This often includes:

  • Pain Management: Keep pain at bay with over-the-counter or prescription medications, as instructed.

  • Dietary Restrictions: Patients should avoid crunchy, hard, or spicy foods for a few days. Instead, opt for a softer diet, like soups and smoothies. Avoid drinking from straws for two weeks.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial. Rinse gently with warm saltwater and avoid vigorous brushing near the surgical area.

  • Swelling: Applying ice packs to sore cheeks and jaws can help reduce swelling.

  • Rest: Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities for roughly three days.

  • Follow-up: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor healing.

Benefits and Risks

The benefits of wisdom teeth removal include:

  • Pain relief

  • Prevention of future dental problems

  • Improved oral health and quality of life

Risks are minimal but can include:

  • Infection

  • Dry socket

  • Nerve damage, in very rare cases

Following your surgeon's instructions diligently can help minimize these risks.

Dental Bone Grafting: Building a Solid Foundation

Living with tooth loss is difficult. While dental implants can help replace missing teeth, some patients may not have enough healthy bone tissue to support the device. Dental bone grafting is a procedure commonly performed before dental implant placement to augment or regenerate bone in the jaw.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates include:

  • Individuals who have experienced bone loss due to gum disease, trauma, or tooth extraction

  • Those seeking dental implants but lacking sufficient bone density


Prior to dental bone grafting, patients undergo a thorough examination by an Atlanta maxillofacial surgeon. X-rays and CT scans may be taken to precisely plan the grafting procedure. Patients will also receive detailed pre-operative instructions, including fasting before the procedure.

What to Expect During the Procedure

During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision to access the weak area of the jaw. Then, they place and secure donor tissue to the site before closing the incision with dissolvable sutures. 

Aftercare Instructions

Following dental bone grafting, patients will receive post-operative care instructions, including:

  • Pain Management: Store-bought or prescription painkillers can help deter pain or discomfort. 

  • Dietary Restrictions: Patients should prioritize a soft diet during the initial healing phase and avoid using straws.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintaining oral hygiene is key. Special care should be taken to avoid disturbing the surgical site, but gentle daily flossing and brushing are a must.

  • Swelling: Ice packs applied to sore spots can numb pain and reduce swelling.

  • Rest: Maxillofacial surgeons recommend rest and avoidance of strenuous activities for roughly five to seven days.

  • Follow-up: Follow-ups are essential to monitor the healing process.

Benefits and Risks

Dental bone grafting lays the foundation for successful dental implant placement by providing a stable and supportive bone structure. 

Risks include infection, graft failure, or damage to nearby structures. These risks are very rare when the procedure is performed by a skilled maxillofacial surgeon.

Dental Implant Placement: The Road to a Beautiful Smile

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. These tiny posts function like natural tooth roots by anchoring restorations in place.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates are those who have sufficient bone density and overall good oral health. Dental bone grafting can help patients qualify for this procedure. 


Before placement, consultations with Atlanta’s maxillofacial surgeons, dental impressions, X-rays, and CT scans are necessary. Your surgeon will determine the appropriate size, type, and location for the implants. 

What to Expect During the Procedure

The procedure involves the following steps:

  • Pain management: Typically, patients receive pain-blocking local anesthesia or conscious sedation before the procedure.

  • Incision: The surgeon makes an incision in the gum tissue to expose the jawbone.

  • Implant Placement: The implant, usually made of titanium, is securely placed into the bone.

  • Healing Cap: A healing cap or cover screw is attached to the implant, and the gum tissue is sutured over it.

  • Osseointegration: Over the next several months, the titanium post fuses with the bone.

Aftercare Instructions

After dental implant placement, patients receive specific aftercare instructions, including:

  • Pain Management: Take any pain medications as instructed by your oral surgeons. 

  • Dietary Restrictions: During the initial healing phase, patients should stick to a soft diet.

  • Oral Hygiene: Patients may be advised to use an antimicrobial rinse in addition to gentle brushing and flossing.

  • Follow-up: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the healing process and ensure the implant is integrating properly.

Benefits and Risks

The benefits of dental implants are profound, as they provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for missing teeth. 

The risks associated with dental implant placement are minimal but can include infection, implant failure, or damage to nearby structures. These risks are significantly reduced when the procedure is performed by an experienced maxillofacial surgeon.

Meet Atlanta’s Finest Maxillofacial Surgeons

Atlanta's maxillofacial surgeons offer a range of crucial services to enhance your oral health and overall well-being. If you’d like to learn more about the services offered at Oral Surgery Specialists of Atlanta, contact our team today! You can reach us online, or you can call our office at (404) 974-2937.